Hi Mama! Your emotions may be fluctuating from sheer delight to occasional anxiety, and every sentiment in between. Rest assured, every mother goes through a similar journey. That's why having a support system is absolutely essential.

Our groups are designed to create a supportive and welcoming community where you can access valuable insights into your baby's growth and tackle the ever-evolving role of motherhood with confidence.

The duration of each package is 6 weeks. Each session will be 55 minutes long. Pay by session or drop-in from class to class depending on your schedule.

How it works:

Your session begins with some relaxed conversation and a chance to connect. We then delve into the topic of the week, creating an open forum for sharing experiences, offering advice, venting, laughing, and more. The class concludes with a focus on breathing, stretching and singing. Bring your baby, or don’t! Totally up to.

Specific topics are tailored to each group based on initial intake surveys